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can u tell me how to cook dal mughlai & amritsari dal full method

sarita  from itarsi...
can u tell me how to cook dal mughlai & amritsari dal

sarita  from itarsi...
can u tell me how to cook dal mughlai & amritsari dal

wholesale men clothing  from New York...
A big thank you for your blog article.Thanks Again. Fantastic.

  from ...

Microsoft OEM Software  from New York...
EEXmz8 Major thankies for the blog. Awesome.

sarita  from itarsi...
can u tell me how to cook dal mughlai & amritsari dal

sarita  from itarsi...
when you making pulses add ghee pulses will be delicious

sarita  from itarsi...
when you cooking dahi vada add rice flour in batter davi vada will be crispy

sarita  from itarsi...
if you forget soak rajma/ chole then you add hot water for soke about 2 hour ago your rajma will be fully done

sarita  from itarsi...
when you baking cake add 1tsp nimbo rus in batter its become yummy

sarita  from itarsi...
use olive oil instead of refined oil to prepare salad its good for health

sarita  from itarsi...
while you making paratha add potatao ajwin moong dal red chili powder green chilli & coriander its become delicious

sarita  from itarsi...
while cooking pakoda add meetha neem in batter

uimujhiouyopuioiio   from yhuuy lofgioui yuion l...
hjnhj;ljulkjkjh bnhhnjhukuuy jgiuu ghghioioiu opj['io[bn l;;loh

uma parameswaran  from Mumbai...
When you cook in a kadai after cooking if the bottom is burnt to make the cleaning process easy just put onion peels and water bring it to boil and when cool scrub it it will be easy to clean

  from ...

rupa joshi  from mumbai...
u can mix wheat flour,little curd,chilli powder,saltand haldi powder in leftover cooked rice,then heat a little oil,and fry the rolled muthiyas golden on both the sides.cut &serve.

rupa joshi  from mumbai...
u can mix wheat flour,little curd,chilli powder,saltand haldi powder in leftover cooked rice,then heat a little oil,and fry the rolled muthiyas golden on both the sides.cut &serve.

hemakanchi  from tokyo...
toreduce excess of salt while cooking,just add 1/2spoon sugar or add little piece of jaggary to the curry.

Abhilasha   from visalia...
To clean any glass surface use baking like miracle

Minoo  from visalia...
when boiing potatoes in the pressure cooker, add a tbs. sp. of oil, potatoes won;t works.

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anju sharma  from new delhi...
for gas problem ginger,garlik,green chilli,meethe dana,rai,hing,kala namak,ajwain and mustard oil do not use drop of water.this chatni is prserved for 6 TO 12 months.

anju sharma  from new delhi...
for gas problem ginger,garlik,green chilli,meethe dana,rai,hing,kala namak,ajwain and mustard oil do not use drop of water.this chatni is prserved for 6 TO 12 months.

anju sharma  from new delhi...
for gas problem ginger,garlik,green chilli,meethe dana,rai,hing,kala namak,ajwain and mustard oil do not use drop of water.this chatni is prserved for 6 TO 12 months.

anju sharma  from new delhi...
for gas problem ginger,garlik,green chilli,meethe dana,rai,hing,kala namak,ajwain and mustard oil do not use drop of water.this chatni is prserved for 6 TO 12 months.

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RitZ  from Mumbai...
Green Peas Curry Ingredients- Green Peas 1 Potatoes (cut it in small pieces) fresh green coriander leaves 4-5 black pepper 1/2 tsp cumin seeds 2 green chillies 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp garlic paste Oil Salt. Grind the green peas and make a paste. Grind the below ingredients together- coriander, green chillies, cumin seeds, black pepper and garlic in fine paste,also add turmeric powder to this paste. Heat Oil. Put the green peas paste and potato pieces in oil, add salt and fry it for 3 min. Add the another paste and add little water (1/2cup) and fry it for 15 min. Add 1 glass of water and bring the curry to boil for another 15 min. You can have this curry with chapati and Rice.

shilpaaravind blore 5711  from bangalore...
Keep corainders wrapped in a brown paper or a newspaper whilerefridgerating. It retains the moisture and makes the corainder look fresh and locks the aroma

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Peter Wiener  from Wienerville...

Induguru  from Salem...
Use coconut oil instead of refined oil to prepare omelettes,egg fry,masala rice puffs......

Induguru  from Salem...
Use coconut oil instead of refined oil to prepare omelettes,egg fry,masala rice puffs......

Peter Wiener  from Wienerville...

BOLOANIGN  from Wete...

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Kayo  from KcjBmrNkQjrcdQRpK...
Wow! That's a really neat awnesr!

bookmakerpromos  from Praga...
Amazing articles ! Bookmarked BetUS promotion code

Gulzar Hudda  from AP...
Lemon juice can also be used as a mouthwash...It removes plaque,whitens the teeth and strengthens the enamel

bukmacherfortuna  from Montreal...
Good work, it is pleasure to read your interesting articles. Waiting for more platne typy

  from ...

grubasek  from warszawa...
I can't wait for more intereesting posts! When will you update your interesting website? tabletki na odchudzanie

Rohini Sudarshan  from ...
When frying brinjal, fry brinjal with all masalas in a kadai and microwave it for sum will consumes less oil

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bhavna  from delhi...
add some kasuri mathi in aloo paratha stuff for more teast..

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muskan  from india...
Pakodas will turn out crisper if a little corn flour is added to the gram flour (besan) while preparing the batter.

muskan  from india...
Remove the stems of green chilies while storing them .This will help them to stay fresh for long.

uma datta  from kolkata...
how to use the idli streamer on LG company microwave without convention

uma datta  from kolkata...
how to use the idli streamer on LG company microwave without convention

vimala  from bangalore...
during summer there will be many ants in the sugar container then add some cloves in to the container.

vimala  from bangalore...
during summer there will be many ants in the sugar container then add some cloves in to the container.

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Haidengeag  from Bereeda...
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Usha gondi  from Banglore...
If U want soft puries then add 1/2 glass of cold milk & 1/2 glass of curds into wheat atta while mix (no water) softy and tasty puri are ready to eat

Usha gondi  from Banglore...
If U want soft puries then add 1/2 glass of cold milk & 1/2 glass of curds into wheat atta while mix (no water) softy and tasty puri are ready to eat

Usha gondi  from Banglore...
If U want soft puries then add 1/2 glass of cold milk & 1/2 glass of curds into wheat atta while mix (no water) softy and tasty puri are ready to eat

Usha gondi  from Banglore...
If U want soft puries then add 1/2 glass of cold milk & 1/2 glass of curds into wheat atta while mix (no water) softy and tasty puri are ready to eat

Usha gondi  from Banglore...
If U want soft puries then add 1/2 glass of cold milk & 1/2 glass of curds into wheat atta while mix (no water) softy and tasty puri are ready to eat

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Priya Kataria  from Mumbai...
To make dosas, utappams soft and fluffy add 1/2 tbl spn of fenugreek seeds(Methi dana)while soakin rice and urad dal.

santoshbangar  from delhi...
put the garlic in a zip poachand store in the coes off easily

santoshbangar  from delhi...
put the garlic in a zip poachand store in the coes off easily

  from ...

Monica Kannan  from Coonoor Tamilnadu...
Add a tsp of wheat flour to any of your frying recipes to have a crispiness.

seema  from bangalore...
for soft puris, knead dough with milk.

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sakshi ahuja  from delhi...
add dalia to your khichdi instead of rice it is healthy and tastes good

sakshi ahuja  from delhi...
always add hing to your lassi (salted) it will solve all your gastic problems

sakshi ahuja  from delhi...
dip your knife in cold water for atleast 10 - 15 mins. before cutting boiled eggs then the yolk will not shatter.

sakshi ahuja  from delhi...
sprinkle some crystals of sugar on chopped mushrooms then it will not become black

sakshi ahuja  from delhi...
sprinkle some crystals of sugar on chopped mushrooms then it will not become black

sakshi ahuja  from delhi...
sprinkle some crystals of sugar on chopped mushrooms then it will not become black

sakshi ahuja  from delhi...
sprinkle some crystals of sugar on chopped mushrooms then it will not become black

kirubakara murugan  from Chennai...
When u marinate the fish .Marinate in vinegar,salt and olive oil.So fish will get so tender.Its not only for fish all meat items.

nigar  from navi mumbai...
keep tomatos in freezer it will remain longr...

nigar  from navi mumbai...
keep tomatos in freezer it will remain longr...

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archana  from faridabad...
keep the suji in fridge to prevent from spoiling

Hem lata   from delhi...
my tip is when cook, just care ur self

Hem lata   from delhi...
my tip is when cook, just care ur self

Hem lata   from delhi...
my tip is when cook just care ur sef

  from ...

shaloni verma  from patna...
any how, if oil falls on your clothe just add some amount of powder on it rub it and see the oil stain will be vanished.

Vinay  from Hosur...
To keep cashewnuts crispy keep in refrigerator.

Vinay  from Hosur...
To keep cashewnuts crispy keep in refrigerator.

If you want to make tasty aaloo ki tikki than mix some poha or bread crums.

If you want to make tasty aaloo ki tikki than mix some poha or bread crums.

niki  from coimbatore...
if you need dal to be off insects.keep a red chilli in the container

niki  from coimbatore...
if you need dal to be off insects.keep a red chilli in the container

niki  from coimbatore...
if you need dal to be off insects.keep a red chilli in the container

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Ashima  from Bangalore...
while making cholle(chana0 put some soya souce the color will be very good

Ashima  from Bangalore...
while making cholle(chana0 put some soya souce the color will be very good

Kavitha Rajaram  from Bangalore...
When you are making vadas, if the batter is watery - you will have the problem of oil splattering when you fry it. Add a tablespoon of ghee to the batter and your problem will be solved.

Kavitha Rajaram  from Bangalore...
When you are making vadas, if the batter is watery - you will have the problem of oil splattering when you fry it. Add a tablespoon of ghee to the batter and your problem will be solved.

Sandhya  from Lucknow...
Never make Dosa (South INdian Dish) on a hot tawa. Always pour the batter on a cold pan or tawa and keep i ton fire to cook :) It wont stick and tastes better ! Cheers :')

Sandhya  from Lucknow...
If u are making pulses every day plz add mustured oil and hing before gassing.

Sandhya  from Lucknow...
If u are making pulses every day plz add mustured oil and hing before gassing.

Kirti Jain  from Chennai...
Remove the tip of green chillies before storing in the fridge, they will remain fresh for long.

m.vasantha mahaveer chopra  from chennai...
it is a request to everyone those who add something in this tag, if you can add some good tips you are welcome or else dont waste the image of such a good information tag

m.vasantha mahaveer chopra  from chennai...
it is a request to everyone those who add something in this tag, if you can add some good tips you are welcome or else dont waste the image of such a good information tag

Amirtha   from chennai...
After making the dosa or roti, rub some oil on the tawa before keeping it aside, so next time the dosa wont stick with tawa. Also while making dosa, before applying batter sprinkle some water on tawa.

mangai  from singapore...
to get the kuzhmbu thicker, please fry the masala powder and then add water to the curry

Divya Gupta  from Mumbai...
for making Crispier Puris add Suji n hot oil to whole wheat flour while preparing the dough eg- 1 kg flour use 100-150gms suji

Divya Gupta  from Mumbai...
when ever you want to use garlic for any recipe "soak the garlic pods in room temp. water for atleast 1/2 hr" this will make the peeling process easy, fingers less stinky/sticky & the peels wont keep flying away

Divya Gupta  from Mumbai...
when ever you want to use garlic for any recipe "soak the garlic pods in room temp. water for atleast 1/2 hr" this will make the peeling process easy, fingers less stinky/sticky & the peels wont keep flying away

Divya Gupta  from Mumbai...
when ever you want to use garlic for any recipe "soak the garlic pods in room temp. water for atleast 1/2 hr" this will make the peeling process easy, fingers less stinky/sticky & the peels wont keep flying away

Ruby  from Saudi...
Rice will be fluffier and whiter if u add one teaspoon of lemon juice to a quart of water when cooking.

Ruby  from saudi...
For a crispy french toast, add a touch of cornstarch to the egg mixture.

Ruby  from saudi arabia...
Boil cracked eggs in aluminium foil twisted at both ends.

Ruby  from saudi arabia...
Boil cracked eggs in aluminium foil twisted at both ends.

Nanda Advani  from Lucknow...
While making green Chutney add some pieces of cloves, ginger, hing alongwith hari dhania, green chilly, Jeera, Red chilly Powder and Tomotoes

Nanda Advani  from Lucknow...
While making green Chutney add some pieces of cloves, ginger, hing alongwith hari dhania, green chilly, Jeera, Red chilly Powder and Tomotoes

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bvn  from Hyderabad...
If u want soft poories then add 2 table spoons of curd into wheat atta while mixing with water.

make non vegeterian only for one day

padma ganesan  from chennai...
while preparing rasam always in the end u put some pepper powder a spoon of ghee and a small piece of jaggery which would enhance the taste and flavour of rasam

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Farha  from Roorkee...
to make pakoras more crispy add little oil in da pakkora mixture

Farha  from Roorkee...
to make pakoras more crispy add little oil in da pakkora mixture

grace kumari  from hyderabad...
add handful of soya dal ,when soaking for dosai . Its healthy and tasty. Why to eat chicken alone ? For kids who do not like to eat leafy vegetables.Moms try adding any kind of leafy vegetables to chicken . kids love them .Good luck .

Miss Ayesha N Karkera  from DombivaliMumbai...
while you are cooking,sometimes it happens that you add more of salt.To reduce this effect of salt in your recipe,add sliced potatoes to bring back to its normal taste.

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Miss Ayesha N Karkera  from DombivaliMumbai...
while you are cooking,sometimes it happens that you add more of salt.To reduce this effect of salt in your recipe,add sliced potatoes to bring back to its normal taste.

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Madhavi  from Mumbai...
While preparing butter chicken marinate the chicken with tandoori masala for 1 hour.It tastes yummy.

laxmikaa  from chennai...
you like soft chapaathi ,take one cup wheat flour + add boil water 1/2 cup. after you well ,after 15 mintines u make chapathi . now so soft.

Sangeeta  from Baroda...
you can remove the garlic skin easily by putting garlic cloves in warm water for 10 min. you can keep vegetables and fruites fresh for longer time keep them in a plastic container with covering of newspaper.

Sangeeta  from Baroda...
you can remove the garlic skin easily by putting garlic cloves in warm water for 10 min. you can keep vegetables and fruites fresh for longer time keep them in a plastic container with covering of newspaper.

Asha Karkera  from NewZealand...
While making Rasam, add fresh corainder stems when boiling.Rasam will taste as well as smell fantastic.



mrudula rakesh  from abhudhabi...
To avoid bitter from bitterguard add few drops of vinegar and salt after cutting into pieces then start preparing dishes

mrudula rakesh  from abhudhabi...
To avoid bitter from bitterguard add few drops of vinegar and salt after cutting into pieces then start preparing dishes

mrudula rakesh  from abhudhabi...
To avoid bitter from bitterguard add few drops of vinegar and salt after cutting into pieces then start preparing dishes

nisha  from secunderabad...
while making mooli paratha remove the juice then add mooli to aata

nisha  from secunderabad...
while making mooli paratha remove the juice then add mooli to aata

grace kumari  from hyderabad...
add cashewnut paste to chiken curry it can be eaten with poratha ,chapathi and even rice

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Deepika  from Mumbai...
We need Ginger Garlic Paste in most of the recipes. prepare one bowl ginger garlic paste at a time and keep it in the deep freezer. Just take out before 5 min. from the freezer while preparing your recipe.

usha vohra  from ropar punjab...
to make pakoras tasty add a little suji in it.

usha vohra  from ropar punjab...
to make pakoras tasty add a little suji in it.

usha vohra  from ropar punjab...
to make pakoras tasty add a little suji in it.

Bhabesh Kumar  from New Delhi...
if your Curd ( youhurt ) is Sour Please Add Litt;e Fresh Milk and Mix Well your Curd Become Sweetness

sharmatha gokul  from salem...
To make soft paniyarams(south-indian item) add little (1/5 part of actual batter)soaked and ground avul(poha) paste to the dough.

sushma kk  from Jaipur...
If your fridge happen to have bad smell, put an opened pot of baking powder or peeled potato in the fridge to rid of smell.

monika dhingra  from Mumbai...
add 1 tbsp of coffee powder to give nice brown colour of chole.

payal malhotra  from delhi...
If you r making pakoda's add 2-3 t/spoon curd (dahi) in the mixture to make it very soft.

Juliet   from Chennai...
To keep ants from sweets and savouries, put turmeric powder around the container.

Juliet   from Chennai...
To avoid ants from Sugar Jar add 5 - 6 Nos of cloves

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arshad  from new delhi...
plz see and do the sa,e

prema  from chennai...
when the asetofedia ( peruin-ghayam) becomes hard in the box then add a piece of green chilly to the box it will be easy to use even as days pass by......

anas  from hyderabed...
always wash the bottles with little vinegar,it makes the water bottle v clean

anas  from hyderabed...
always wash the bottles with little vinegar,it makes the water bottle very neet

manali  from mumbai...
Will grinding the idli atta grind i cup of boiled rice it will make you idli more soft

manali  from mumbai...
Will grinding the idli atta grind i cup of boiled rice it will make you idli more soft

manali  from mumbai...
Will grinding the idli atta grind i cup of boiled rice it will make you idle more soft

sushma kk  from Jaipur...
To get good sprouts of grams, put them in a thick moist towel and keep in a warm place.

sushma kk  from Jaipur...
To open the lid of a pressure cooker quickly, do not remove the pressure but pour water on the weight or keep the cooker immersed in water.Pressure subsides.

namita patel  from accra GHANA...
when u r making methi palak paratha always blach methi and palak with hot water then grind and add to flour

sushma kk  from Jaipur...
When you are making pickles,it is important to keep the pickles in the sun and alsostirring it daily for a uniform exposure.

sushma kk  from Jaipur...
When you are making pickles,it is important to keep the pickles in the sun and alsostirring it daily for a uniform exposure.

sushma kk  from Jaipur...
To disinfect the pickle jar,take3-4 small pieces of burning charcoal in a metal cup,sprinkle it with a pinch of asafoetida and hold the jar on ittillit is filled with smoke.Cover it immediatelyand leave for sometime

swati  from ICHALKARANJI...

ASHU  from DEHLI...
upma sharma from Jaipur... jab kari ya alooki dahi wali sabji bnaye tab dahi mein sare masale mix karte time salt mix na kare Pakate time ek boiling ke baad salt mix kare aapki phatagi nahi.

ASHU  from DEHLI...
upma sharma from Jaipur... jab kari ya alooki dahi wali sabji bnaye tab dahi mein sare masale mix karte time salt mix na kare Pakate time ek boiling ke baad salt mix kare aapki phatagi nahi.

sabbie  from NEW DELHI...

arti chauhan  from ahmedabad ...
while boiling potatoes in pressure cooker add 1/2 tbsp salt and half slice of lemon it will not make your cooker black

arti chauhan  from ahmedabad ...
while boiling potatoes in pressure cooker add 1/2 tbsp salt and half slice of lemon it will not make your cooker black

arti chauhan  from ahmedabad ...
while boiling potatoes in pressure cooker add 1/2 tbsp salt and half slice of lemon it will not make your cooker black

Harpreet Kaur Nandrey  from Arjun NagarDelhi...
In SHAHI PANEER, add milk instead water to make tari,it will become more yammy!

harpreet  from Arjun NagarDelhi...
In SHAHI PANEER, add milk instead water to make tari,it becomes more yammy!

RUCHI VERMA  from Bangalore-24...
use tissue paper to wipe off the dirt & grease from your steel jars is more easier then washing

trapti   from bangalore...
if u dont like malai collect it in a bowl keep it in freeze then make ghee by it by heating it on gas as wel make khova also from it ,use it in preparing rich vegitables.

trapti   from bangalore...
if u dont like malai collect it in a bowl keep it in freeze then make ghee by it by heating it on gas as wel make khova also from it ,use it in preparing rich vegitables.

TestName  from NHDEjUzPtzhq...
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Nidhi  from New Delhi ...
To check brinjals,guavas etc for germs you can actually keep a magnifying glass.

Nidhi  from New delhi...
To avoid ants in Atta put some tej patta in it.

vani koppar  from bangalore...
for shinig of dining table glass, kitchen glass wipe with the paper

vani koppar  from bangalore...
for shinig of dining table glass, kitchen glass wipe with the paper

vani koppar  from bangalore...
for shinig of dining table glass, kitchen glass wipe with the paper

rima  from chennai...
if u want 2 store geera and methi put hing(astofodia) so it will be good 4 long time

rima  from chennai...
if u want 2 store geera and methi put hing(astofodia) so it will be good 4 long time

soumya  from kerala...
use little bit vinegar to clean chicken.. it will be soft and clean easily..

vani koppar  from bangalore...
while making carrot halwa,we can use cream,instead of khova

vani koppar  from bangalore...
while making carrot halwa,we can use cream,instead of khova

vani koppar  from bangalore...
while making carrot halwa,we can use cream,instead of khova

vani koppar  from bangalore...
to avoid spiltting of old milk, add a pinch of soda while heating.

vani koppar  from bangalore...
to avoid spiltting of old milk, add a pinch of soda while heating.

swati  from pune...
to sharpen your scissors slice several pieces of sandpaper or emery paper. or try to cut the top off an old glass bottle.

neha  from DELHI...
to mail diet pakora and puris (low cal) put a pinch of salt in karhai puri n pakora won't absorb oil..

neha  from DELHI...
to mail diet pakora and puris (low cal) put a pinch of salt in karhai puri n pakora won't absorb oil..

neha  from DELHI...
to mail diet pakora and puris (low cal) put a pinch of salt in karhai puri n pakora won't absorb oil..

Rama  from Hosur...
While making parathas use wooden (like stamp seals) to press and cook well.

swati  from pune...
submerge a lemon in hot water for 15 min before squeezing it to yield almost twice in the amount of juice

Reshma  from Bangalore...
whle cooking tauhar dhal in cooker add a drop of ol so that dhal does not stick to the cooker

khamar  from bangalore...
add little salt while frying fish. fish will not stich to the pan

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khamar  from bangalore...
while frying onions add little salt, onions will turn brown fast

ayesha  from bangalore...
while making dahi ki chutney add little roasted zeera powder chutney will taste yummy

kaushiki das sharma  from kolkata...
if any dish u have cooked is too much salty, add boiled mashed potato which will absorb the salt.

kaushiki das sharma  from kolkata...
if any dish u have cooked is too much salty, add boiled mashed potato which will absorb the salt.

kaushiki das sharma  from kolkata...
if any dish u have cooked is too much salty, add boiled mashed potato which will absorb the salt.

Laveena  from Ahmedabad...
When u feel salt is lil bitter then required in meal, add some cornflour. it absorbs salt. :)

Laveena  from Ahmedabad...
When u feel salt is lil bitter then required in meal, add some cornflour. it absorbs salt. :)

Vrishali  from Kolhapur...
If u want to cook fast make the paste of ginger,garlic & onion. Keep it in freeze. U can use that for min. 8 days

Vrishali  from Kolhapur...
If u want to cook fast make the paste of ginger,garlic & onion. Keep it in freeze. U can use that for min. 8 days

sumit  from sonipat...
if u want get rid of obesity/fat -then chew ur food properly for one month.and check/compare weight with previous one. u may take oily food ,milk and eat as per ur wish, but chew everything properly

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john2025  from tESqgaCxK...
97csGY hi webmastters

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amitkumar  from new delhi...
when ur tomotoes become loose aur draining ,put tomotoes in salty water in over night in the freeze ur tomotes will again stiff or hard.And again using for salad etc.

Sheila   from UK...
when preparing chicken tikka masala marinate the chicken pieces with pepper, salt and lime juice intially to make the chicken tender

Sheila   from UK...
when preparing plain rice add a pinch of salt and a drop of oil the rice will turn out nice and soft and taste better.

Meenu  from Delhi...
To make curd in the winter season keep it in the flour drum overnight(Take care that it does not fall in the flour)

Meenu  from Delhi...
To make curd in the winter season keep it in the flour drum overnight(Take care that it does not fall in the flour)

sudhaavala  from hyderabad...
while making sambar(south indian dish)add 1sp jaggery to the boiling sambar and 1tea spoon gingergarlic paste to the really tastes good and also smells good.

sudhaavala  from hyderabad...
while making sambar(south indian dish)add 1sp jaggery to the boiling sambar and 1tea spoon gingergarlic paste to the really tastes good and also smells good.

shubha  from ...
to make soft kadhi pakoras beat the batter till it starts floating in water(put a small amt of batter in water to check.

shubha  from ...
to make soft kadhi pakoras beat the batter till it starts floating in water(put a small amt of batter in water to check.

shubha  from ...
to make soft kadhi pakoras beat the batter till it starts floating in water(put a small amt of batter in water to check.

  from ...

prajakta more  from mumbai...
while preparing dough add little milk to make it soft

prajakta more  from mumbai...
while preparing dough add little milk to make it soft

vandana  from mumbai...
Plz use less oil in recipies for good health

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the cook  from U.P...
never talk while eating...u will never enjoy.....

monica   from kota...
keep the atta dough in the plastic box it will not become black

monica   from kota...
keep the atta dough in the plastic box it will not become black

monica   from kota...
keep the atta dough in the plastic box it will not become black

Harshada Chaudhari  from Navi Mumbai...
While cooking if u find that u had added more salt. Add chopped potato to the recipe, it will soak the extra salt & then u can remove it if u want. Utilize it for something less.

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shashi sajwan  from Delhi...
when you are cooking idli (south indian dish) add some cumin powder in it. It will give very good taste.

shashi sajwan  from Delhi...
when you are cooking idli (south indian dish) add some cumin powder in it. It will give very good taste.

shashi sajwan  from Delhi...
when you are cooking idli (south indian dish) add some cumin powder in it. It will give very good taste.

shashi sajwan  from Delhi...
when you are cooking idli (south indian dish) add some cumin powder in it. It will give very good taste.

shashi sajwan  from Delhi...
when you are cooking idli (south indian dish) add some cumin powder in it. It will give very good taste.

shashi sajwan  from Delhi...
when you are cooking idli (south indian dish) add some cumin powder in it. It will give very good taste.

aarzaa  from chandigarh...
jabtumpotty kro..use ek katori mei dal liya karo.aur usme thoda se nimbu,namak aur zyada sari mirchi dalkar friz mei rakh do.isme bad potty ki sari smell chALI JAEGI AUR FIR USE ARAM SE KHA SKTE HO.....SERVE HOT 2 ADD MOR TASTE!!

Portia Manohar  from Jakarta...
Never add melted butter,cream or spices to boiled vegetables untill all the water(even the last drop)is drained away.

Portia Manohar  from Jakarta...
To keep vegetables fresh for a longer period in the fridge,line the bottom of the vegetable tray with a small towel. Place another towel on top of the vegetables. The towels will absorb all the excess moisture.

Portia Manohar  from Jakarta...
To keep vegetables fresh for a longer period in the fridge,line the bottom of the vegetable tray with a small towel. Place another towel on top of the vegetables. The towels will absorb all the excess moisture.

Portia Manohar  from Jakarta...
To keep vegetables fresh for a longer period in the fridge,line the bottom of the vegetable tray with a small towel. Place another towel on top of the vegetables. The towels will absorb all the excess moisture.

Portia Manohar  from Jakarta...
To keep vegetables fresh for a longer period in the fridge,line the bottom of the vegetable tray with a small towel. Place another towel on top of the vegetables. The towels will absorb all the excess moisture.

Green vegetables banate samay oosme thodi si chini mila dene se vegetable ka natural colour bana rehta hai.

Payal Saharia  from Nanital...
While preparing any dry vegetable like gobhi aloo, capsicum aloo, bhindi,etc. add masalas while the vegetable is fully cooked. Add masalas, mix for 2-3 min & switch off the gas. This will give a better taste to the vegetable.

Payal Saharia  from Nanital...
While preparing any dry vegetable like gobhi aloo, capsicum aloo, bhindi,etc. add masalas while the vegetable is fully cooked. Add masalas, mix for 2-3 min & switch off the gas. This will give a better taste to the vegetable.

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fatema  from secunderabad...
put some w.vinegar in boiling rice &u can have soft long rice

fatema  from secunderabad...
put some w.vinegar in boiling rice &u can have soft long rice

fatema  from secunderabad...
put some w.vinegar in boiling rice &u can have soft long rice

monika popli  from auckland...

monika popli  from auckland...

seema kurhade  from thane...
to make crispy add little rice flour in the mixture

gayatri s. nair  from ahmedabad...
jab idli ke liye chawal bigoye to usme jara si dana methi bhi dal dene se idli soft aur testy banti hain.

gayatri s. nair  from ahmedabad...
jab idli ke liye chawal bigoye to usme jara si dana methi bhi dal dene se idli soft aur testy banti hain.






upma sharma  from Jaipur...
jab kari ya alooki dahi wali sabji bnaye tab dahi mein sare masale mix karte time salt mix na kare Pakate time ek boiling ke baad salt mix kare aapki sabji ya kari phatagi nahi.

sheela vaidhya  from indore...
freez mai lime rakhne se bactiriya's nahi hote.

sheela vaidhya  from indore...
freez mai lime rakhne se bactiriya's nahi hote.

sheela vaidhya  from indore...
shugar box me olive rakhne se ant nahi hoti.

sheela vaidhya  from indore...
shugar box me olive rakhne se ant nahi hoti.

sheela vaidhya  from indore...
shugar box me olive rakhne se ant nahi hoti.

fabeja  from manali...
while making chicken curry pour some curd before adding masala it will become more soft & more tasty

ratnamala rane  from mumbai...
While making velchi powder add a pinch of sugar in it, as it will help in making fine powder of velchi.

Rohini  from Indore...
Put some Poha, while making dosa to make it testier and crispy.

Rohini  from Indore...
Put some Poha, while making dosa to make it testier and crispy.



jyoti  from dehradun...
if curd becms sour then add a little milk to it to get back its natural taste.

Kiran   from Brazil...
while cooking dahi vada .. add boil potatos ( crushed) in dal mixer.. vada will e more soft.

azim  from mumbai...
while making the wheat flour put some soyabean seeds in it, this will enrich the minerals content

Minal Joshi  from Pune...
to avoid becoming cooker black inside add the water in cooker which you use for washing rice & dal.

Pandya  from Mumbai...
if you don't know cooking, PLEASE DON'T COOK (ALSO DON'T PAKAV)

MALVIKA  from Dubai...
While making paranthas, fill in the required filling and keep the filled balls aside for 10 mins. Its fantastic and paranthas never break while making.

Never make Dosa (South INdian Dish) on a hot tawa. Always pour the batter on a cold pan or tawa and keep i ton fire to cook :) It wont stick and tastes better ! Cheers :')

Anubha Arora  from Ahmedabad...
To avoid ants around ur sugar container, add some fresh cloves to the sugar.

SANCHARI CHOWDHURY  from kolkata...
while you are cooking,sometimes it happens that you add more of salt.To reduce this effect of salt in your recipe,squeeze a lemon to bring back to its normal taste.

SANCHARI CHOWDHURY  from kolkata...
while you are cooking,sometimes it happens that you add more of salt.To reduce this effect of salt in your recipe,squeeze a lemon to bring back to its normal taste.

  from ...

naga  from india...
how you cooking

naga  from india...
how you cooking

Shama  from Mumbai...
When you are new in cooking keep the gas slow.

pradeep Singh  from Pratapgarh...
Chiken curry

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